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Quick start

Ilorm are based on five core concepts : Connector, Model, Schema, SchemaField and Query. - Connectors are the definition which kind of database you use to store your data. - Model are class representing your data. - Schema define your model behavior (fields type) - SchemaField define the behavior of your data field. - Query is a powerful query builder tool to edit, delete, get data...

Install ilorm

First install ilorm :

npm install ilorm

After you can install the mongo-connector :

npm install ilorm-connector-mongodb

You can use another connector if you use different kind of database.

Define a schema

To define your schema, just use the Schema class of ilorm

const { Schema, } = require('ilorm');

const invoiceSchema = new Schema({
  amount: Schema.number()
With this code, you have a basic schema with two properties : - createdAt which will be a date. - amount which will be a number.

Prepare your Connector

const MongoClient = require('mongodb');
const ilorm = require('ilorm');
const IlormMongo = require('ilorm-connector-mongodb');

// Declare you use ilormMongo (init plugin part of the connector) :

// Create a database :
const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(DB_URL);
const database = await mongoClient.db('ilorm');

// Create your Connector class binded with your database :
const MongoConnector = IlormMongo.fromClient(database);

// Create an instance of your connector. It will save in the collection: accounts ;
const invoiceConnector = new MongoConnector({ sourceName: 'invoices' });
Now you have an invoiceConnector, it will save the binded model in the collection invoices.

Create your model

const { newModel, } = require('ilorm');

const modelConfig = {
  name: 'invoices', // Optional, could be useful to know the model name
  schema: invoiceSchema,
  connector: invoiceConnector,

const Invoice = newModel(modelConfig); // Invoice Model is a class
Now you have all you want : A model, you can manipulate your data

Manipulate account

Find one invoice after first january 2017
const invoice = await Invoice.query()
    .createdAt.greatherThan(new Date('2017-01-01'))
Create a new invoice

With attribute :

const invoice = new Invoice();
invoice.createdAt =;
invoice.amount = 300;;

Using constructor :

const invoice = new Invoice({
    amount: 300,

Load an invoice per _id & remove it from database
const invoice = await Invoice.getById(ObjectId('2088181818'));


Full example

const MongoClient = require('mongodb');
const ilorm = require('ilorm');
const IlormMongo = require('ilorm-connector-mongodb');

const { Schema, newModel, } = ilorm;

// Declare schema :
const invoiceSchema = new Schema({
  amount: Schema.number()

// Declare you use ilormMongo (init plugin part of the connector) :

// Create a database :
const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(DB_URL);
const database = await mongoClient.db('ilorm');

// Create your Connector class binded with your database :
const MongoConnector = IlormMongo.fromClient(database);

// Create an instance of your connector. It will save in the collection: accounts ;
const invoiceConnector = new MongoConnector({ sourceName: 'invoices' });

const modelConfig = {
  name: 'invoices', // Optional, could be useful to know the model name
  schema: invoiceSchema,
  connector: invoiceConnector,

const Invoice = newModel(modelConfig); // Invoice Model is a class