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Model could not be created directly. To access this API, you need to invoke the newModel method from ilorm. And create your own child model.

(static) Model.query()

Create a Query instance targeting the current Model.

const query = Model.query();
Return a query instance linked with the current Model.

Example of query

UserModel is a Model with a numberField : weight.

const user = async UserModel.query()

(static)(async) Model.getById()

Get an instance of the model by it's Id.

const modelInstance = await Model.getById(id);
Return the instance associated with the given id.

Parameter Type Default Description
id Mixing The id of the instance to get.


Create a model Id linked with the ids parameter.

Parameter Type Default Description
ids Mixing Create a Model_Id linked with ids


Save the current instance into the database. - If the instance exists, it will make an update with the updated field only. - If the instance does not exists. It will create the instance into the database.


(async) Model.remove()

Remove the current instance from the database.

await modelInstance.remove();